I'm capable of creating whole application solutions from a responsive client interface to a scalable backend, using state-of-the-art frameworks. Apache Tomcat, Spring Boot, Spring Framework, Hibernate, JPA etc. are my daily drivers.
Why host on your own servers? Using the right cloud services can make an application scale to infinity!
Using HTML, Angular and Bootstrap is one of the most common ways of creating web applications in those years. All my new code written in Typescript and tested using Behavior Driven Development.
My main experience is MySQL and Oracle SQL, connected to via JPA, Hibernate. Basic noSQL knowledge is present.
I use Linux as main OS for development, but I also call myself a Windows power user. I also know Android, iOS, MacOS etc. well! Try to show me an OS I've never used ;-)
Scrum Master Certificate, Junior Project Manager Certificate, Innovation management knowledge, Quality management knowledge
At the end of 2018 I started at Porsche Informatik GmbH again. This time I work in a different team. My role is the technichal architect role, responsible for creating the basic product landscape and it's implementation. Our gole is to modularizes a huge application suite. The server infrastructure will be cloud-based (OpenShift) and the frontends will be web-based (Angular 7).
I worked as full stack cloud software engineer at Trayzi. I was responsible for building the whole backend server infrastructure, the web frontends, the REST APIs, basically everything that runs in the cloud. I was also responsible for pushing everything to the AWS cloud, managing the deployment processes and to keep all systems running. The technology stack is state-of-the-art using Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, Angular 6, Typescript, Bootstrap, nice entity generators and different AWS services.
I worked as a senior Java software engineer for Porsche Informatik GmbH from 2011 to 2016. We developed business software and use technologies like Java EE 8, Oracle SQL, Apache Tomcat, Spring Framework, Hibernate, AngularJS, HTML5, Intellij IDEA, etc.
Behavior Driven GUI-Testing of business applications
Software development models are constantly changing. A few years ago, extensive requirement definitions prior the actual implementation were still common. Today software ...
Master Thesis
Comparison of partly automated methodologies for the configuration of complex business applications
Business applications usually can be customized by setting different parameters. An individual setup of an application is called configuration. Many applications require a ...